


the london fashion week which was hold twice in year which is taken by five days that was normally held this february 2013 too. some various fields persons who concerned in fashion industry who gathered to it. one day in third days, I saw the one lady. the leather jacket which she worn was decorated a faces of dolls and the part of heel of heel boots she wore was made by lego blocks. some fashion snap photographers were taking her look, but what I thought to remarkable was her innocent facial expression which during taken a picts. I saw a pureness and sensitive which of essential for creator in such her facial expression. and after the photographers gone, I tried to chat with her. that was first time to met with her.

a n d t h i s   t i m e ,   I  h a d   a n   i n t e r e s t i n g   t o   h e r   c r e a t i o n   a n d   I   d e c i d e d   t o   d o    a   d e c i s i v e   a c t i o n   a n   e x c l u s i v e   i n t e r v i e w   t o   h e r .   n o w ,   s h e   i s   c o m p l e t i n g   M A   c o u r s e   o f   p e r f o r m a n c e   p r a c t i c e   a n d    d e s i g n   a t   c e n t r a l   s a i n t   m a r t i n .   h o p e   t o   a t t e n t i o n   t o   h e r   u n i q u e n e s s   p e r s p e c t i v e   a n d   m e t h o d . 

Name : Anne-Sophie Cochevelou

Age : 23

Sex : female

Occupation : student MA Performance Practice & Design, Central saint martins,

Special Study : costume design and theatre making

▷ Why did you choose to make a doll and way to expression of your identity?

Because it's part of my childhood, it's part of me. it's unusual original, fascinating and creepy at the same time, it's a common reference that link people together.  You construct your own image and i like to be "the girl who wear barbie dolls", i like that people know me like that. 

▷ What is your favorite film?

i don't have a favourite film, too many different genre, lately i've seen again Rosemary baby by Polansky still find it amazing! 

▷ What is your favorite actor and actress?

no ideas, i love Anna Karina in old french movies 

▷ What is your favorite musician?

once again can't really say…right now i love the new single of daft punk, i can listen to really random music  on my bike, crazy warrior dubstep of hard core  k-pop

▷ What is your favorite book?

so many…right now a novel would be Belle du Seigneur, a poetry book  Coeur et Bien Robert Desnos.

▷ Who is your hero?

I need a hero

▷ What is your favorite color? and why?

bright colour, vivid, not a particular one, it's more how they match in a particular context, for example how a the blue of some shoes matches with the certain green of a dress. 

▷ What is your favorite way to spend a time in off-day?

dreaming, cycling, making jewels, reading, eating cakes, seeing friends. 

▷ What kind of child when you were childhood?

dreamy, living in my world, just 2 or 3 friends, looking younger than i was compared to the other children of my age, good at school and studious.  on my school report it was always "good results but should stop dreaming during lesson". 

▷ What is your definition about beauty?

something different, original, not necessary  harmonious or regular. As Baudelaire says "Le beau set toujours bizarre"  "beautiful is always bizarre" 

▷ Tell us what you’re planning in your near future and something you would try?

trying to develop my jewels and my creations, and hopefully keep links with the performance and theatre world. 

▷ Do you have some person who you got an influence in the way you achieved an expression of your self and who ?

a lot of people i guess, some friends, some teachers, my parents….

▷ What do you afraid if you are doll?

that the little girl that owe me throw me away for a prettier one.

▷ Please tell us the origin of the idea on the making a doll and pieces of your works?

It's coming from childhood, it's really fascinating material to use, possibilities of creation  are infinite, using them in creations allow you to tell stories and create "narrative jewels". 

▷ In this circumstance which everyone use kind of photoshop, illustrater, how do you think about  to use these tools in the way to make something? and are you using these tools?

i think it's great, augmented reality, creating another world, i would like to be able to use them ! 

▷ What is the attraction on making dolls for you?

it's reference to human being, it create a story, a narrative, strong image in the piece, because barbie is a common reference, a postmodern icon.

▷ There is so many difference type and material of the dolls in this world. why did you chose a barbie doll in your creation ?

Because i use to play with them in my childhood, part and parcel of my past, of  my identity.  quite easy to burn or to cut, the plastic it's quite soft,  you can't do that with porcelain dolls it's really more fragile. 

▷ Have you had something other way to create your works in the past? and what was that?

I always done creative things, when i was a child i was painting on rock, or drift wood, then performing in theatre, singing opera, i did a bit of everything. right now i'm directing my second show that going to be perform at Central saint martins in the end of may. 

▷ I strongly felt particular notion on creatures from your works. do you have something notions on creatures and on the way to use these themes ?

I like playing on the relationship between the  animated and the inanimate and this ambiguity, some of the dolls that i'm using on jacket are blinking their eyes as if there were alive, In Bergson's terms, it's "superimpose themechanical on the living".

▷ You are from france and french.  do you feel some special feelng by perspective as french?

I don't feel really  French for their the classicism and their minimalistic style. I feel more British in some ways , but people here always said to me that i look so french, that everything i'm doing is so french so maybe i'm unconsciously inspired by existentialist French philosophy in my attitude toward life… i just accept it as a self- fulfilingprophecy. 

▷ As the person who treat a creature on works, how do you think about relationship between death and living?

Object has their on life…the inert is telling something about the world of the living, celebrating it.

▷ I felt that cubism and dadaism on your works, especially on accessaries. do you have any definition of the style on your works?

baroque, weird, creepy, an heterogenous mismatch of everything i like, i've been inspired since now.

▷ Do you have care some material or tool to make new works in next works? 

i would like to work more with metal and precious material,  use new technics like laser, but you need a proper workshop for that! 

▷ Do you have someone who would like to colaborate with in your mind now?

in my dreams, the french designer Jean Charles de Castelbajac

▷ What is the power on the doing the creation for you?

Creation is everything, it's my way to feel alive, my reason of living, but it's hard because creative inspiration come and go, generally the more you do, the more ideas you have, so i think it's the other way round, you have to try out things and them other ideas come to you. Creation is more like a state of mind, special kind of energy. 

▷ How do you want to be eventually ?

I want to be  a crazy elegant old lady with a  huge pink house in Brittany with a lot of children running everywhere in the garden wearing indian weeding clothes. 

▷ How do you embody your identity into your pieces?

I think that identity (contrary to personality)  is something you construct through the eye of people. As the French philosopher Sartre says, gaze of the other could alienate you so you'd better control it  and can take advantage of it. Lego or barbie jewels are really significant and give a really strong message of how you want to be perceived to the others. Strangely it's by being the most particular that you become universal, by belonging to no-where you fit everywhere. 

the pureness I saw in her was vividly expressed into the her answer against question which of " what do you afraid if you are doll ? " . the love and fear against creation, and the conflict between it makes her strong as mother who create dolls called child. normally, her works has an impression which kind of pop and art by colorful pieces. but she said that the collaboration with me made a new dimension on her works which changed an impression from pop to dramatic and chic. but I personally think that her works already had had such an impression and potential inside of it. and not only that, I guess her works might expend to more new dimension in future and by creation with material and new theme and with generation. and it's affecting her aesthetics as french so well I think. I would expect to her next works and activity. 

by how to take, her works changes a facial expression. above pict I took was that I dare took like gothic. as peoples has various personality, the dolls also has it. and the person who can pour a soul to them is just only her.

this skirt which sewing a dolls hair to belt was what she made. and barbie on her head can be head piece by new perspective. 

every pieces in here and what she wear was made by her own. the skirt and head pieces and necklace and rings etc... anne-sophie cochevelou, what is there where the direction she's gazing. we can't predict it. but we surely can grab that her unique and sincerity traces and we certainly can gain some new interpretation of things. and one day, the dolls she made do the whirl wind around the world. 

you can get more information about her at this above link which is her blog named " Cycle in Heels ".
check it and gaze it!

and this page is what describe about project of this time!

words & photography : Souichiro Ota

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